Getting Started
Setting up Email Armor in your Next.js/Node.js Project
1. Install the package
To install the Email Armor package, run the following command in your terminal:
2. Configure your .env file with the following values
Add the following key-value pairs to your .env file to set up the required environment variables:
Sample .env
3. Generate/Update the configuration file
Run the following command to generate necessary configuration files:
- This will create two files: email-armor.json and email-template.html. You will be prompted to generate schema/model files. Press Y to generate them or N to skip, then press Enter.
Once the files are generated, you can customize your email template by editing email-template.html.
Note: Currently, only inline CSS is supported for email templates. You can use tools like GPT to help create more advanced templates if needed.
- You can also configure values such as the Forgot Password title, referral points, and OTP limits within email-armor.json.
After making any changes to email-armor.json or email-template.html, apply the updates by running:
Integrating the Sign-Up Process to onboard users
- With the setup complete, you're ready to integrate the sign-up process and start onboarding users securely into your application.